Encyclopedia of battles in North America, 1517 to 1916
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- Publication date
- 2000
- Topics
- Battles -- North America -- History -- Encyclopedias, Battles, Veldslagen, Schlacht, Batailles -- Amérique du Nord -- Histoire -- Encyclopédies, Amérique du Nord -- Histoire militaire -- Encyclopédies, North America -- History, Military -- Encyclopedias, North America, Nordamerika, Batailles -- Amerique du Nord -- Histoire -- Encyclopedies, Amerique du Nord -- Histoire militaire -- Encyclopedies
- Publisher
- New York : Facts On File
- Collection
- internetarchivebooks; printdisabled
- Contributor
- Internet Archive
- Language
- English
- Item Size
- 853.2M
xvi, 383 pages : 29 cm
Includes more than 350 battles, "arranged alphabetically, chronologically, and by the war during which they were fought; lists of battlefield sites, arranged alphabetically and regionally; a glossary of important terms and terminology; and an extensive bibliography."--Cover
Includes bibliographical references (pages 345-362) and index
Adobe Walls -- Agua Prieta -- Alamance -- Alamo -- U.S.S. Alfred v. H.M.S. Glasgow -- Allatoona Pass -- Annapolis Royal (Port Royal) -- Antietam (Sharpsburg) -- Ash Hollow (Blue Lake) -- Atlanta -- Augusta (1780) -- Augusta (1781) -- Bad Axe River -- Ball's Bluff -- Batoche -- Baton Rouge -- Bear Paw Mountains -- Bear River -- Beaufort (Port Royal Island) -- Beaver Dams -- Beecher's Island -- Belmont -- Bennington -- Bentonville -- Big Bethel -- Big Black River -- Big Hole Basin -- Big Meadows -- Billingsport -- Black Mingo Creek -- Blackstocks -- Bladensburg -- Bloody Brook (Pocumtuck, Deerfield) -- Bloody Swamp (Bloody Marsh, St. Simon's Island) -- Blue Licks -- Blue Savannah -- Bound Brook -- Brandy Station (Fleetwood Hill, Beverley's Ford) -- Brandywine -- Briar Creek -- Brice's Cross Roads (Brice's Creek Roads, Guntown, Tishomingo Creek) -- Bristoe Station -- Buena Vista -- Bull Run, First (Manassas) -- Bull Run, Second (Manassas) -- Bull's Ferry -- Bunker Hill (Breed's Hill) -- Bushy Run (Edge Hill) -- Calderon Bridge (Puente de Calderon) -- Camden -- Camerone -- Camp Texas (Fort Texas) -- Cedar Creek -- Cedar Mountain -- Cedars -- Celaya -- Cempoallan -- Cerro Gordo -- Chambly -- Champion's Hill -- Champoton -- Chancellorsville -- Chantilly (Ox Hill) -- Chapultepec -- Charleston (Sullivan's Island) -- Charleston -- Charlotte -- Chateaugay (Chateauguay River) -- Chattanooga (Lookout Mountain, Missionary Ridge) -- Cheat Mountain (Elkwater) -- Cherry Valley -- U.S.S. Chesapeake v. H.M.S. Shannon -- Chesapeake Bay -- Chesapeake Capes -- Chickamauga -- Chickasaw Bluffs (Chickasaw Bayou) -- Chippewa -- Chrysler's Farm -- Churubusco -- Cloyd's Mountain -- Cold Harbor -- Columbus -- Combahee Ferry -- U.S.S. Congress v. H.M.S. Savage -- U.S.S. Constitution v. H.M.S. Guerriere -- Contreras (Padieras) -- Cooch's Bridge (Iron Hill) -- Corinth -- Cowan's Ford -- Cowpens -- Crampton's Gap -- The Crater (Petersburg Mine Assault) -- Cross Keys (Union Church) -- Dade's Battle -- Danbury Raid -- Drewry's Bluff -- Emuckfau Creek -- Enitachopco Creek -- Eutaw Springs -- Fair Oaks (Seven Pines) -- Fallen Timbers -- Falling Waters -- Farmville and Highbridge -- Fetterman Fight -- Fishdam Ford -- Fisher's Hill -- Fishing Creek (Catawba Ford) -- Five Forks -- Fort Anne -- Fort Beausejour -- Fort Caroline -- Fort Clinton and Fort Montgomery -- Fort Cumberland -- Fort Donelson -- Fort Erie, First -- Fort Erie, Second -- Fort Fisher (Terry's Expedition) -- Fort Frontenac -- Fort George -- Fort Henry -- Fort Keyser -- Fort Lee (Fort Constitution) -- Fort McHenry -- Fort Mercer (Red Bank) -- Fort Mifflin -- Fort Mims -- Fort Motte -- Fort Necessity (Great Meadows) -- Fort Niagara -- Fort Pillow -- Fort Pulaski -- Fort Ridgely -- Fort Stanwix -- Fort Stedman -- Fort Stephenson -- Fort Sumter -- Fort Ticonderoga (Fort Carillon) -- Fort Ticonderoga (1775) -- Fort Ticonderoga (July 1777) -- Fort Ticonderoga (September 1777) -- Fort Wagner (Battery Wagner) -- Fort Washington -- Fort Watson -- Fort William Henry -- Franklin -- Franklin's Crossing (Deep Run) -- Fredericksburg -- Frenchtown (River Raisin) -- Front Royal -- Gaines's Mill -- Galveston -- Garnett's and Golding's Farm -- Germantown -- Gettysburg -- Globe Tavern (Weldon Railroad, Six Mile House) -- Glorieta Pass -- Gloucester -- Goliad -- Great Bridge -- Great Savannah -- Great Swamp -- Green Spring -- Guilford Courthouse -- Gwynn Island -- Hanging Rock -- Hanover Courthouse -- Harlem Heights -- Harmar's Defeat -- Harpers Ferry -- Haw River (Pyle's Defeat) -- Helena -- Hillsborough Raid -- Hobkirk's Hill -- Holly Springs -- Horseshoe Bend -- Hubbardton -- Irish Bend (Bayou Teche) -- Island Number 10 -- Iuka -- Jamestown (1622) -- Jamestown (1676) -- Johnstown -- Julesburg -- Kernstown, First -- Kernstown, Second -- Kettle Creek -- Killdeer Mountain -- King's Mountain -- Kip's Bay -- Klock's Field -- Knoxville (Fort Sanders) -- Lake Erie (Put-in-Bay) -- Lake George (Bloody Pond) -- Lake Okeechobee -- Lazaro -- Lenud's Ferry -- Lexington and Concord -- Lexington -- Little Bighorn (Custer's Last Stand, Greasy Grass) -- Lochry's Defeat -- Long Island -- Long Sault -- Louisbourg (1745) -- Louisbourg (1758) -- Lundy's Lane -- Lynchburg -- Mackinac Island (Fort Michilimackinac) -- Malvern Hill -- McDowell -- Mechanicsville (Ellison's Mill) -- Memphis -- Mesa (La Mesa) -- Milk Creek -- Mill Springs (Logan Cross Road) -- Minisink -- Mobile Bay -- Molino del Rey -- Monck's Corner -- U.S.S. Monitor v. C.S.S. Virginia (Monitor v. Merrimack) -- Monmouth -- Monocacy -- Monongahela (Braddock's Defeat) -- Monterrey -- Montreal -- Moore's Creek Bridge -- Munfordville -- Mystic River -- Nashville -- New London Raid -- New Market -- New Orleans (1815) -- New Orleans (1862) -- New Ulm -- Newport -- Newtown -- Ninety Six -- La Noche Triste (Tenochtitlan) -- North Anna River (Hanover Junction, Jericho Mills, Taylor's Bridge) -- Oak Grove (King's Schoolhouse) -- Ocean Pond (Olustee) -- Okolona -- Oriskany -- Otumba -- Palo Alto -- Paoli -- Parker's Cross Roads -- Parker's Ferry -- Parral -- Paulus Hook -- Pea Ridge (Elkhorn Tavern) -- U.S.S. Peacock v. H.M.S. Epervier -- Pell's Point -- Pensacola -- Perryville -- Petersburg (1781) -- Petersburg (1864-1865) -- Philippi -- Pilot Knob (Fort Davidson) -- Plattsburg Bay (Lake Champlain, Plattsburg) -- Pleasant Hill Landing (Blair's Landing) -- Point Pleasant -- Port Gibson -- Port Hudson -- Port Republic -- Port Royal (Annapolis Royal) -- Port Royal Sound (Forts Beauregard and Walker) -- Potonchan -- Prairie Grove -- Princeton -- Puebla -- Puebla (Cinco de Mayo) -- Quebec (Plains of Abraham) -- Quebec -- Queenston -- Quinby Bridge -- Quintan's Bridge -- Ramseur's Mill -- Raymond -- Resaca de la Palma (Resaca de Guerrero) -- Rich Mountain -- Richmond -- Ridgeway -- Roanoke Island -- Rocky Mount -- Rosebud Creek -- Rush Springs (Rush Creek) -- Sabine Crossroads (Mansfield) -- Sabine Pass (Fort Griffin) -- Sackets Harbor -- Sacramento River -- St. Augustine (1702) -- St. Augustine (1740) -- St. Charles -- St. Clair's Defeat -- St. Denis -- St. Eustache -- St. John's (St. Jean's) (May 17, 1775) -- St. John's (St. Jean's) (September 5-November 2, 1775) -- San Gabriel -- San Jacinto -- San Pascual -- Sand Creek -- Sandusky (Crawford's Defeat) -- Santa Fe -- Saratoga, First (Freeman's Farm) -- Saratoga, Second (Bemis Heights) -- Savage's Station (Allen's Farm, Peach Orchard) -- Savannah (1778) -- Savannah (1779) -- Sayler's Creek -- Shiloh (Pittsburgh Landing) -- Sitka -- Slim Buttes -- South Mountain -- Spencer's Tavern -- Spotsylvania -- Springfield -- Springfield Arsenal -- Stones River (Murfreesboro) -- Stono Ferry -- Stony Creek (Stoney Creek) -- Stony Point -- Stronghold -- Summit Springs -- Talladega -- Tallashatchee -- Tarrant's Tavern -- Tenochtitlan -- Thames (Moraviantown) -- Three Rivers (Trois Rivieres) -- Throg's Neck (Throg's Point) -- Tippecanoe -- Tlaxcala -- Trenton -- Trevilian Station -- U.S.S. Trumbull v. Watt -- U.S.S. Trumbull v. H.M.S. Iris -- Tupelo (Harrisburg) -- Valcour Island -- Veracruz -- Vicksburg -- Vincennes -- Wahab's Plantation -- Washita -- Waxhaws -- Waynesboro -- Wetzell's Ford -- White Oak Swamp (Glendale) -- White Plains -- Whitemarsh -- The Wilderness -- Williamsburg -- Williamson's Plantation -- Wilson's Creek (Oak Hill) -- Winchester, First -- Winchester, Second -- Winchester, Third (Opequon Creek) -- Wolf Mountain -- Wood Lake (Lone Tree Lake) -- Wounded Knee -- Wyoming Valley -- Yellow Tavern -- Yorktown -- Appendix 1. Alphabetical List of Battles -- Appendix 2. Chronological List of Battles -- Appendix 3. List of Battles by War -- Appendix 4. Battlefield Sites in Alphabetical Order -- Appendix 5. Battlefield Sites Listed by Region
Includes more than 350 battles, "arranged alphabetically, chronologically, and by the war during which they were fought; lists of battlefield sites, arranged alphabetically and regionally; a glossary of important terms and terminology; and an extensive bibliography."--Cover
Includes bibliographical references (pages 345-362) and index
Adobe Walls -- Agua Prieta -- Alamance -- Alamo -- U.S.S. Alfred v. H.M.S. Glasgow -- Allatoona Pass -- Annapolis Royal (Port Royal) -- Antietam (Sharpsburg) -- Ash Hollow (Blue Lake) -- Atlanta -- Augusta (1780) -- Augusta (1781) -- Bad Axe River -- Ball's Bluff -- Batoche -- Baton Rouge -- Bear Paw Mountains -- Bear River -- Beaufort (Port Royal Island) -- Beaver Dams -- Beecher's Island -- Belmont -- Bennington -- Bentonville -- Big Bethel -- Big Black River -- Big Hole Basin -- Big Meadows -- Billingsport -- Black Mingo Creek -- Blackstocks -- Bladensburg -- Bloody Brook (Pocumtuck, Deerfield) -- Bloody Swamp (Bloody Marsh, St. Simon's Island) -- Blue Licks -- Blue Savannah -- Bound Brook -- Brandy Station (Fleetwood Hill, Beverley's Ford) -- Brandywine -- Briar Creek -- Brice's Cross Roads (Brice's Creek Roads, Guntown, Tishomingo Creek) -- Bristoe Station -- Buena Vista -- Bull Run, First (Manassas) -- Bull Run, Second (Manassas) -- Bull's Ferry -- Bunker Hill (Breed's Hill) -- Bushy Run (Edge Hill) -- Calderon Bridge (Puente de Calderon) -- Camden -- Camerone -- Camp Texas (Fort Texas) -- Cedar Creek -- Cedar Mountain -- Cedars -- Celaya -- Cempoallan -- Cerro Gordo -- Chambly -- Champion's Hill -- Champoton -- Chancellorsville -- Chantilly (Ox Hill) -- Chapultepec -- Charleston (Sullivan's Island) -- Charleston -- Charlotte -- Chateaugay (Chateauguay River) -- Chattanooga (Lookout Mountain, Missionary Ridge) -- Cheat Mountain (Elkwater) -- Cherry Valley -- U.S.S. Chesapeake v. H.M.S. Shannon -- Chesapeake Bay -- Chesapeake Capes -- Chickamauga -- Chickasaw Bluffs (Chickasaw Bayou) -- Chippewa -- Chrysler's Farm -- Churubusco -- Cloyd's Mountain -- Cold Harbor -- Columbus -- Combahee Ferry -- U.S.S. Congress v. H.M.S. Savage -- U.S.S. Constitution v. H.M.S. Guerriere -- Contreras (Padieras) -- Cooch's Bridge (Iron Hill) -- Corinth -- Cowan's Ford -- Cowpens -- Crampton's Gap -- The Crater (Petersburg Mine Assault) -- Cross Keys (Union Church) -- Dade's Battle -- Danbury Raid -- Drewry's Bluff -- Emuckfau Creek -- Enitachopco Creek -- Eutaw Springs -- Fair Oaks (Seven Pines) -- Fallen Timbers -- Falling Waters -- Farmville and Highbridge -- Fetterman Fight -- Fishdam Ford -- Fisher's Hill -- Fishing Creek (Catawba Ford) -- Five Forks -- Fort Anne -- Fort Beausejour -- Fort Caroline -- Fort Clinton and Fort Montgomery -- Fort Cumberland -- Fort Donelson -- Fort Erie, First -- Fort Erie, Second -- Fort Fisher (Terry's Expedition) -- Fort Frontenac -- Fort George -- Fort Henry -- Fort Keyser -- Fort Lee (Fort Constitution) -- Fort McHenry -- Fort Mercer (Red Bank) -- Fort Mifflin -- Fort Mims -- Fort Motte -- Fort Necessity (Great Meadows) -- Fort Niagara -- Fort Pillow -- Fort Pulaski -- Fort Ridgely -- Fort Stanwix -- Fort Stedman -- Fort Stephenson -- Fort Sumter -- Fort Ticonderoga (Fort Carillon) -- Fort Ticonderoga (1775) -- Fort Ticonderoga (July 1777) -- Fort Ticonderoga (September 1777) -- Fort Wagner (Battery Wagner) -- Fort Washington -- Fort Watson -- Fort William Henry -- Franklin -- Franklin's Crossing (Deep Run) -- Fredericksburg -- Frenchtown (River Raisin) -- Front Royal -- Gaines's Mill -- Galveston -- Garnett's and Golding's Farm -- Germantown -- Gettysburg -- Globe Tavern (Weldon Railroad, Six Mile House) -- Glorieta Pass -- Gloucester -- Goliad -- Great Bridge -- Great Savannah -- Great Swamp -- Green Spring -- Guilford Courthouse -- Gwynn Island -- Hanging Rock -- Hanover Courthouse -- Harlem Heights -- Harmar's Defeat -- Harpers Ferry -- Haw River (Pyle's Defeat) -- Helena -- Hillsborough Raid -- Hobkirk's Hill -- Holly Springs -- Horseshoe Bend -- Hubbardton -- Irish Bend (Bayou Teche) -- Island Number 10 -- Iuka -- Jamestown (1622) -- Jamestown (1676) -- Johnstown -- Julesburg -- Kernstown, First -- Kernstown, Second -- Kettle Creek -- Killdeer Mountain -- King's Mountain -- Kip's Bay -- Klock's Field -- Knoxville (Fort Sanders) -- Lake Erie (Put-in-Bay) -- Lake George (Bloody Pond) -- Lake Okeechobee -- Lazaro -- Lenud's Ferry -- Lexington and Concord -- Lexington -- Little Bighorn (Custer's Last Stand, Greasy Grass) -- Lochry's Defeat -- Long Island -- Long Sault -- Louisbourg (1745) -- Louisbourg (1758) -- Lundy's Lane -- Lynchburg -- Mackinac Island (Fort Michilimackinac) -- Malvern Hill -- McDowell -- Mechanicsville (Ellison's Mill) -- Memphis -- Mesa (La Mesa) -- Milk Creek -- Mill Springs (Logan Cross Road) -- Minisink -- Mobile Bay -- Molino del Rey -- Monck's Corner -- U.S.S. Monitor v. C.S.S. Virginia (Monitor v. Merrimack) -- Monmouth -- Monocacy -- Monongahela (Braddock's Defeat) -- Monterrey -- Montreal -- Moore's Creek Bridge -- Munfordville -- Mystic River -- Nashville -- New London Raid -- New Market -- New Orleans (1815) -- New Orleans (1862) -- New Ulm -- Newport -- Newtown -- Ninety Six -- La Noche Triste (Tenochtitlan) -- North Anna River (Hanover Junction, Jericho Mills, Taylor's Bridge) -- Oak Grove (King's Schoolhouse) -- Ocean Pond (Olustee) -- Okolona -- Oriskany -- Otumba -- Palo Alto -- Paoli -- Parker's Cross Roads -- Parker's Ferry -- Parral -- Paulus Hook -- Pea Ridge (Elkhorn Tavern) -- U.S.S. Peacock v. H.M.S. Epervier -- Pell's Point -- Pensacola -- Perryville -- Petersburg (1781) -- Petersburg (1864-1865) -- Philippi -- Pilot Knob (Fort Davidson) -- Plattsburg Bay (Lake Champlain, Plattsburg) -- Pleasant Hill Landing (Blair's Landing) -- Point Pleasant -- Port Gibson -- Port Hudson -- Port Republic -- Port Royal (Annapolis Royal) -- Port Royal Sound (Forts Beauregard and Walker) -- Potonchan -- Prairie Grove -- Princeton -- Puebla -- Puebla (Cinco de Mayo) -- Quebec (Plains of Abraham) -- Quebec -- Queenston -- Quinby Bridge -- Quintan's Bridge -- Ramseur's Mill -- Raymond -- Resaca de la Palma (Resaca de Guerrero) -- Rich Mountain -- Richmond -- Ridgeway -- Roanoke Island -- Rocky Mount -- Rosebud Creek -- Rush Springs (Rush Creek) -- Sabine Crossroads (Mansfield) -- Sabine Pass (Fort Griffin) -- Sackets Harbor -- Sacramento River -- St. Augustine (1702) -- St. Augustine (1740) -- St. Charles -- St. Clair's Defeat -- St. Denis -- St. Eustache -- St. John's (St. Jean's) (May 17, 1775) -- St. John's (St. Jean's) (September 5-November 2, 1775) -- San Gabriel -- San Jacinto -- San Pascual -- Sand Creek -- Sandusky (Crawford's Defeat) -- Santa Fe -- Saratoga, First (Freeman's Farm) -- Saratoga, Second (Bemis Heights) -- Savage's Station (Allen's Farm, Peach Orchard) -- Savannah (1778) -- Savannah (1779) -- Sayler's Creek -- Shiloh (Pittsburgh Landing) -- Sitka -- Slim Buttes -- South Mountain -- Spencer's Tavern -- Spotsylvania -- Springfield -- Springfield Arsenal -- Stones River (Murfreesboro) -- Stono Ferry -- Stony Creek (Stoney Creek) -- Stony Point -- Stronghold -- Summit Springs -- Talladega -- Tallashatchee -- Tarrant's Tavern -- Tenochtitlan -- Thames (Moraviantown) -- Three Rivers (Trois Rivieres) -- Throg's Neck (Throg's Point) -- Tippecanoe -- Tlaxcala -- Trenton -- Trevilian Station -- U.S.S. Trumbull v. Watt -- U.S.S. Trumbull v. H.M.S. Iris -- Tupelo (Harrisburg) -- Valcour Island -- Veracruz -- Vicksburg -- Vincennes -- Wahab's Plantation -- Washita -- Waxhaws -- Waynesboro -- Wetzell's Ford -- White Oak Swamp (Glendale) -- White Plains -- Whitemarsh -- The Wilderness -- Williamsburg -- Williamson's Plantation -- Wilson's Creek (Oak Hill) -- Winchester, First -- Winchester, Second -- Winchester, Third (Opequon Creek) -- Wolf Mountain -- Wood Lake (Lone Tree Lake) -- Wounded Knee -- Wyoming Valley -- Yellow Tavern -- Yorktown -- Appendix 1. Alphabetical List of Battles -- Appendix 2. Chronological List of Battles -- Appendix 3. List of Battles by War -- Appendix 4. Battlefield Sites in Alphabetical Order -- Appendix 5. Battlefield Sites Listed by Region
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